Mobile App Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Mobile App Business Marketing Plan

Brand & Value Proposition

Fit Strong Mobile App will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Largest volume of content that is fully customized to each individualโ€™s needs.
  • Content is completely FREE – subscription plans are available for those who would like more detailed content.
  • App is easy to navigate and use.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Fit Strong Mobile App is as follows:

Social Media

Fit Strong Mobile App will invest in aggressively advertising their mobile app on social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Twitter. By using targeted social media marketing to those who frequently search for fitness and diet advice, Fit Strong Mobile App will be able to reach those who are most likely to utilize a mobile fitness app.


Fit Strong Mobile App will hire a professional advertising agency to develop, create, and publish commercials that will be seen on all major channels during prime advertising spots.The goal of Fit Strong is to be able to reach the widest audience possible and by advertising commercials during prime watching times, it will be able to reach millions of people.

Website/SEO Marketing

Fit Strong Mobile App will invest in a strong SEO presence so that when someone enters โ€œbest fitness mobile appโ€ in their Google or Bing search bar, Fit Strong Mobile App is at the top of the list. The website will list the content that is available on the app, with a link that will direct someone to the app store on their mobile device.


The pricing of Fit Strong Mobile App will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing their services.