Business Plan Outline and Example

Written by Dave Lavinsky
Traditional Business Plans Template

As you begin writing a business plan outline, you will quickly realize that there is more to it than meets the eye. Not only do you need to have a clear understanding of what a business plan is and what types of information it should include, but you also need to be aware of the different types of business plans that are available. Furthermore, it is important to understand why you should write a successful business plan and what common mistakes people make when doing so. Finally, this article provides a brief overview of what should be included in your business planning, such as an executive summary, market analysis, company description, and financial statements, as well as a template and an example to help you get started.


What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a formal document that provides an executive summary and outlines the goals and objectives of a business. It provides a roadmap for the business, outlining how it will achieve its goals and reach its target market analysis. The traditional business plan outline should also include business financials and a marketing plan.


Types of Business Plans

There are several different types of business plans, each of which serves a different purpose. The most common types of business plans are start-up, growth, and exit business plans. 

Start-up Business Plan

A start-up business plan is a document that outlines the goals and objectives as well as provides an executive summary of a new business. It provides a roadmap for the business, outlining how it will achieve its goals and reach its target market. The start-up business plan should also include financial projections and a marketing strategy.

Growth Business Plan

A growth business plan is a document that outlines the goals and objectives of a business that is looking to expand. It provides a roadmap for the business, outlining the market analysis section, and the company’s history as well as how they plan to secure funding to grow the business. The growth detailed business plan should also include financial health and a cash flow statement.

Exit Business Plan

An exit business plan is a document that outlines the goals and objectives of a business that is looking to be sold or go public. It provides a roadmap for the business, outlining how it will achieve its goals and reach its target market. The exit business plan should also include financial projections and a marketing strategy.


Why Write a Business Plan?

There are several reasons why you might want to write a traditional business plan outline. Firstly, it can help you to clarify your ideas and bring structure to your thoughts. Secondly, it can help you to communicate your operations plan to others, such as potential investors or partners. Thirdly, it can help you to track your progress and make necessary adjustments along the way. Many business owners find it can give you a sense of direction and purpose, helping you to stay focused on your goals.


Tips for Creating a Business Plan

  1. Do your research. Before you start writing your business plan, you should research your industry and competitor businesses. This will help you to better understand the market opportunity and the potential for your business idea.
  2. Keep it simple. Your business plan should be clear and concise. Communicating your key points should not be longer than necessary.
  3. Be realistic. When making a financial plan and projections, be conservative and realistic. overestimating your revenue and profits can make it difficult to attract investors even for an established business.
  4. Get help. If you are unsure how to write a business plan, many resources are available to help you. You can hire a consultant, or use one of the many business plan templates or software programs available.


Common Mistakes When Writing a Business Plan

  1. Not doing your research. Before you start writing your business plan, you should do your homework and gather all of the information that you will need. This includes market research, financial projections, and competitive analysis.
  2. Not being clear and concise. Your business plan should be clear and concise. It should be free of jargon and technical terms, and easy for the reader to understand.
  3. Not having a solid financial plan. Your business plan should include a realistic financial plan, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
  4. Not having an exit strategy. You should have a clear exit strategy in place before you start your business. This will help you to focus on growth and profitability and will make it easier to attract investors.
  5. Not being realistic. Your business plan should be realistic and based on solid market research and financial projections. Don’t try to over-hype your business or make unrealistic promises.


Business Plan Template

Below is a basic business plan template that you can use when creating your business plan.

Executive Summary

The executive summary section of the business plan template should provide a brief overview of your business, including your company name, your mission statement, your product or service, and your target market.

Company Overview

This section should provide an overview of your company, including your history, your management team, your industry, and your competitive advantage.

Product or Service

This section should describe your product or service, including its features and benefits, your target market, and your pricing strategy.

Marketing Plan, Market Analysis, and Sales Strategy

This section should describe your marketing and sales strategy, including your advertising and promotion plans, your marketing plan, your sales process, your target customers, and your distribution channels.

Financial Plans

This section should include your financial statements, financial model, income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Exit Strategy

This section should describe your exit strategy, including your plans for selling your business or exiting the market.


Business Plan Example

Below is an example of a traditional business plan.

Executive Summary

XYZ Corporation is a start-up company that will provide an innovative new product to the market. Our product is an XYZ widget that will revolutionize the way people use widgets. We have a strong management team, a solid business model, and a clear path to profitability. We are seeking $1 million in funding to help us launch our product and grow our business.

Company Overview

XYZ Corporation was founded in XYZ by John Doe and Jane Smith. John is a widgets expert with over 20 years of experience in the widget industry. Jane is a marketing wizard who has helped launch several successful products. Together, they make a perfect team to bring the XYZ widget to market.

Product or Service

The XYZ widget is an innovative new product that will revolutionize the way people use widgets. It is smaller, lighter, and more durable than any other widget on the market. It also has a unique feature that allows it to be used in XYZ ways. We are targeting the widget market, which is estimated to be $1 billion annually.

Marketing and Sales

We will use a combination of online and offline marketing to reach our target market. Our website will be the centerpiece of our marketing efforts, and we will also use print ads, trade shows, and direct mail. Our sales team will consist of experienced widget salespeople who know how to close deals.

Financial Projections

We are requesting $1 million in funding, which will be used to finance our inventory, marketing efforts, and working capital. We anticipate generating $5 million in revenue in our first year of operation and reaching profitability by the end of year two.

Exit Strategy

Our exit strategy is to sell the company to a larger widget manufacturer or private equity firm within five years. We believe that our innovative product and strong growth potential will make us an attractive acquisition target.


Business Plan FAQ

A business plan is a document that describes your business, its objectives, its strategies, its market, and its financial projections. It is typically used to attract financing from investors or lenders.

A business plan can help you to clarify your business goals, and to develop a plan of action to achieve them. It can also be a useful tool to communicate your business plan to potential investors or lenders.

There are many different types of business plans, and each one is tailored to the specific needs of the business. Some common types of business plans include startup plans, growth plans, expansion plans, acquisition plans, and exit plans.

A business plan is important because it helps to clarify the goals of the business and to develop a plan of action to achieve those goals. It also helps communicate the business plan to potential investors or lenders.